Work in Cullman
Cullman has a diverse and growing business community, and with a 4.8% unemployment rate, a 9.00% sales tax and an extremely low crime rate, Cullman is an ideal environment to start a family, own a business, work, play, worship, shop, live. In 2014, Cullman received a Silver Excellence in Economic Development Award for Business Retention & Expansion from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC); was ranked #5 as Most Business Friendly City in Alabama by the Alabama Policy Institute; and was named the #2 U.S. Micropolitan Area by Site Selection magazine. In addition, Cullman was named #1 in Alabama for New & Expanding Industry in 2016 and 2013 rankings by the State of Alabama, and Southern Business & Development magazine ranked Cullman the #6 Community that is a Manufacturing Location No-Brainer.